
《一級玩家》電影版共有 400 多個彩蛋和致敬!!你全都有找出來嗎?

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各位可以先看小說原作版,之後再透過這篇文章做個對比。本篇文章會完成最主要是感謝 Reddit 的幾個朋友丟給我的資訊,還有GB站長的幫忙,以及我一個懂日本娛樂文化的朋友其協助。至於簡單出現在畫面的,我只會寫出角色名字以及登場作品而已喔,那麼就廢話不多說了,直接進入主題~

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即便重蹈覆轍,也要為心愛的你/妳犯罪。Abed Abest飾演的阿里(Ali)既是主人翁,也是其中一個主人翁,《真愛入侵(Invasion)》的排場就像舞台劇走位,非要一鏡到底一次成功,一步錯便會步步錯。彷彿一場謀殺,每一場犯罪都要精準以免被抓;又似一場愛情,算準愛人的心思使其滿足。故事開始於阿里和警察重演他殺死好友薩曼(Saman)的場景,間接找來Elaheh Bakhshi所飾演薩曼的雙胞胎妹妹娜嘉(Negar)扮演薩曼,阿里才發現原來他早已愛上的不只是薩曼。





電影配樂傳奇/Score: A Film Music Documentary (2016) : What can the audience really feel?...

What can the audience really feel? It doesn't matter how you get that, it's whether it's got substance.

- 電影配樂傳奇/Score: A Film Music Documentary (2016)

電影配樂傳奇/Score: A Film Music Documentary (2016) : The score is the heartbeat of the film.

The score is the heartbeat of the film.
配樂是一部電影的核心 。

- 電影配樂傳奇/Score: A Film Music Documentary (2016)

電影配樂傳奇/Score: A Film Music Documentary (2016) : Music. It's the one thing we all...

Music. It's the one thing we all understand that we don't understand

- 電影配樂傳奇/Score: A Film Music Documentary (2016)

古墓奇兵/Tomb Raider (2018) : All myths are foundations of reality.

All myths are foundations of reality.

- 古墓奇兵/Tomb Raider (2018)

古墓奇兵/Tomb Raider (2018) : You messed with the wrong family.

You messed with the wrong family.

- 古墓奇兵/Tomb Raider (2018)

一級玩家/Ready Player One (2018) : I created the OASIS because I never felt at home in the real world...

I created the OASIS because I never felt at home in the real world. I just didn't know how to connect with people there. I was afraid for all my life, right up until the day I knew my life was ending. And that was when I realized that... as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it's also... the only place that... you can get a decent meal. Because, reality... is real.

- 一級玩家/Ready Player One (2018)

一級玩家/Ready Player One (2018) : Some people can read War and Peace and come away...

Parzival: Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story...

Art3mis: Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.

- 一級玩家/Ready Player One (2018)

水底情深/The Shape of Water (2017) : When he looks at me, the way he looks at me...

When he looks at me, the way he looks at me... He does not know, what I lack... Or - how - I am incomplete. He sees me, for what I - am, as I am. He's happy - to see me. Every time. Every day. Now, I can either save him... or let him die.

- 水底情深/The Shape of Water (2017)

水底情深/The Shape of Water (2017) : Unable to perceive the shape of You...

Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere.

- 水底情深/The Shape of Water (2017)

意外/Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) : I got to admit Mildred, the billboards were a great fucking idea...

I got to admit Mildred, the billboards were a great fucking idea. They were like a chess move. And although they had absolutely nothing to do with my dyin'... I will assume almost everyone in town will assume that they did. Which is why, for Willoughby's counter-move, I decided to pay the next month's rent on 'em. I thought it'd be funny, you having to defend them a whooole 'nother month after they've stuck me in the ground.

- 意外/Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)

意外/Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017): How come I wonder? 'Cause there ain't no God and the whole world's empty...

How come I wonder? 'Cause there ain't no God and the whole world's empty, and it doesn't matter what we do to each other? I hope not. How come you came up here out of nowhere lookin' so pretty? You ain't trynta make me believe in reincarnation or somethin' are ya? 'Cause you're pretty but you ain't her... She got killed. Now she's dead forever. I do thank you for comin' though. If I had some food I'd give it to ya. All I got is some Doritos, 'n' they might kill ya, they're kinda pointy... Then where would we be?

- 意外/Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)