
淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017) : Just because something looks ugly...

Just because something looks ugly doesn't mean that it's morally wrong.

- 淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017)

淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017) : Don't you think maybe they are the same thing?...

Don't you think maybe they are the same thing? Love and attention?

- 淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017)

淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017) : Some people aren't built happy...

 Some people aren't built happy, you know.

- 淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017)

淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017) : We're afraid that we will never escape our past...

We're afraid that we will never escape our past. We're afraid of what the future will bring. We're afraid we won't be loved, we won't be liked. And we won't succeed.

-  淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017)

淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017) : Money is not life's report card...

Money is not life's report card. Being successful doesn't mean anything in and of itself. It just means that you're successful. But that doesn't mean that you're happy.

- 淑女鳥/Lady Bird (2017)

霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) : I want you flat on your back...

I want you flat on your back. Helpless, tender, open with only me to help. And then I want you strong again. You're not going to die. You might wish you're going to die, but you're not going to. You need to settle down a little.

- 霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) 

霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) : It's comforting to think the dead are watching over...

It's comforting to think the dead are watching over the living. I don't find that spooky at all.

- 霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) 

霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) : To keep my sour heart from choking...

To keep my sour heart from choking. To break a curse. A house that doesn't change is a dead house.

- 霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) 

霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) : Don't pick a fight with me, you certainly won't come out alive...

Don't pick a fight with me, you certainly won't come out alive. I'll go right through you and it'll be you who ends up on the floor. Understood?

- 霓裳魅影/Phantom Thread (2017) 

最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017) : Those who never change their mind never change anything.

Those who never change their mind never change anything.

- 最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017)

最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017) : You are strong because you are imperfect...

You are strong because you are imperfect. You are wise because you have doubts.

- 最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017)

最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017) : You can not reason with a Tiger when...

You can not reason with a Tiger when your head is in its mouth.

- 最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017)

最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017) : He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle.

He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle.

- 最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017)

最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017) : Will you stop interrupting me while...

Will you stop interrupting me while I am interrupting you!

- 最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017)

最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017) : Well even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Well even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

- 最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017)

最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017): Go to the people. Let them instruct you...

Go to the people. Let them instruct you. Quite silently, they usually do. But tell them... the truth unvarnished.

- 最黑暗的時刻/Darkest Hour (2017)

歡迎光臨奇幻城堡/The Florida Project (2017) : You know why this is my favorite tree?

Moonee: You know why this is my favorite tree?

Jancey: Why?
Moonee: 'Cause it's tipped over, and it's still growing.

- 歡迎光臨奇幻城堡/The Florida Project (2017)

歡迎光臨奇幻城堡/The Florida Project (2017) : I can always tell when adults are about to cry.

I can always tell when adults are about to cry.

- 歡迎光臨奇幻城堡/The Florida Project (2017)

聖鹿之死/The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) : You have beautiful hands...

You have beautiful hands. I never noticed before. Everyone's been telling me lately what beautiful hands you have and now I can see for myself, nice and clean. But so what if they're beautiful? They're lifeless.

- 聖鹿之死/The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)