
池畔謎情/A Bigger Splash (2015) : Honesty is the greatest fidelity.

Honesty is the greatest fidelity.

- 池畔謎情/A Bigger Splash (2015)

池畔謎情/A Bigger Splash (2015) : She's the woman of the century...

 She's the woman of the century. And I'm talking about her soul now.

- 池畔謎情/A Bigger Splash (2015)

池畔謎情/A Bigger Splash (2015) : To be a genius is to be unruled...

To be a genius is to be unruled. To be unruled is to be alone.

- 池畔謎情/A Bigger Splash (2015)

羅根好好運Logan Lucky (2017) : Is it twenty or is it thirty?

Is it twenty or is it thirty?... We are dealing with science here!

- 羅根好好運Logan Lucky (2017)

羅根好好運/Logan Lucky (2017) : As warden, I can approve buying a copy of A Dance With Dragons...

身為典獄長,我能批准為監獄購入一本《與龍共舞》,讓你們追上《冰與火之歌》的進度。現在唯一 的問題是《寒冬冽風》和《春曉之夢》都還沒有出版,所以批准無效。嗯...我無法做我控制不了的事情。
As warden, I can approve buying a copy of A Dance With Dragons for the prison library to go up on the Game of Thrones shelf. Now, the only problem is that The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring have yet to be published so those aren't available. Well, I can't do anything about what I can't control.

- 羅根好好運/Logan Lucky (2017)

夢鹿情謎/On Body and Soul/(2017) : 兩個人有可能做同一個夢嗎?


- 夢鹿情謎/On Body and Soul/Teströl és lélekröl (2017)


Alison Lurie《永遠的孩子》

每個人心中都有個內在小孩(並非靈性領域的理論,純粹藉此打比方),而我們身邊的朋友至少有一兩位不經意和孩童的世界有所連結,例如:卡通、童書、遊戲等,都使我們情不自禁被吸引。還記得友人在大一時見到我長這麼大還喜歡《龍騎士,(Eragon)》跟《魔戒(The Lord of the Ring)》等小說時,表示「等妳英文再好一點後,就會比較喜歡看寫實/生活類的作品。」然而,大四畢業後我依然沉浸在青少年兒童小說中(我要澄清我英文確實有進步喔!)。友人很不可思議的覺得我確實對小孩的世界有很深的連結(不過這並不表示我不看“大人”的小說,這時又要來推薦一下《南與北(North and South)》還有《長路(The Road)》),但我也說不上來為何會喜歡這類作品,喜歡到大學還選修「英美兒童繪本學」和「青少年兒童文學理論」,甚至去年底決定還決定重看七集《哈利波特(Harry Potter)》。

當我讀完Alison Lurie的《永遠的孩子(Boys and Girls Forever-Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter)》(中文版請洽書林出版社)後,我有了深深的感悟。有些書不用刻意去找,就會自然出現在身邊,對我來說Alison Lurie這本理論就是這麼一本書(原本衝著《Harry Potter》原文套書逛博客來,結果一不小心就找到了它!)。不管作者還是讀者,會長期接觸青少年兒童文學,表示他/她內在的小孩極為明顯,這種心理顯化能讓我們以兒童的視角和感官,也就是更純粹和直接的方式,去學習和認識這個世界,接收到的訊息也比一般的書更清楚更容易吸收。兒童文學用了許多技巧吸引讀者,並整理教育與學習目的潛移默化到讀者腦中,用心接受。好比食物可以代替性愛的感官享受; 女性主義潛藏在細節的力量可以大過挑明理念的手法; 童話故事可以影射社會現狀和人際關係…等。

Alison Lurie的分析讓我更明白自己和其他朋友為何這麼深愛青少年兒童產物,原來我們學習和成長的方式就是這麼運作,並以此省思和延伸(這並不表示我們就很幼稚喔!看我就知道!哈!)。讀完這本書覺得受益良多,是否該買這本書的「前傳」,Alison Lurie赫赫有名的《Don't Tell the Grown-Ups》,看名字這麼吸引人當然要買啦!


以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017) : How you live your life is your business, just remember...

How you live your life is your business, just remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once. And before you know it, your heart is worn out, and, as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. Right now, there's sorrow, pain. Don't kill it and with it the joy you've felt.

- 以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017)

以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017) : Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot.

Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot.

- 以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017)

以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017) : Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine.

Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine.

- 以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017)

以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017) - Cinema is a mirror of reality and it is a filter

Cinema is a mirror of reality and it is a filter.

- 以你的名字呼喚我/Call Me by Your Name (2017)